About Us


Our vision is for all Malaysians to have a Will, without a fuss .


Our mission is to create awareness in Malaysia on the importance of writing a Will and to provide an affordable alternative for all Malaysians, saving them hundreds of Ringgit in legal costs in the process.

What are we selling?

A blueprint for a better tomorrow. Your Legacy, You Decide.

Meet the Team

Praba Pillai

Director, Pillai Will Services


Praba founded Pillai Will Services in 2019. Pillai Will Services offers online Will writing services via WillsMalaysia.my. He initiated this project because the cost of writing a Will in Malaysia is rather expensive (average RM 800). Praba also knows that most Malaysians are unaware that it is unnecessary to engage an estate planning agent, or a lawyer in order to write a Will. His belief is that an individual is able to write a Will, all by themselves. Two witnesses and three signatures, and the Will is acceptable under Malaysian law.

Before Praba came about this idea, he had met many ordinary Malaysians who had lost their loved ones, and who were confused in the legal jargon of Probate, Letter of Administration and other challenges.

At the same time Praba felt the same situation on a personal level when his late brother, Ganes had passed away suddenly at a young age of 49 – without leaving a Will. In his first blog article, Praba wrote about this experience. Understandably, Praba had to learn the tough realities of dealing with several branches of government, lawyers, banks and the courts. But he had to quickly learn the difference between a Letter of Administration and Probate, the Wills Act 1959, the Distribution Act 1958, and all the other legal parlance that came stacked with it.

Praba’s motive is simple and sincere! To create awareness among Malaysians on the importance of writing an affordable Will as an alternative, but without all the legal issues that go behind it.


Legal Advisor

Dr Pathma Raj Ramasamy obtained his law degree as well as the Brickfields Asia College Book Prize for Company Law in 2013. He then commenced a career as a Tutor/Lecturer for Company Law, Commercial Law and Common Law Reasoning at Brickfields Asia College whilst reading his Certificate in Legal Practise. Upon completing his Certifcate In Legal Practise in 2014, Dr. Pathma Raj commenced his pupillage at Messrs Muhendaran Sri in January 2015 under the guidance of Mr. Muhendaran Suppiah. He received exposure in Industrial Relations, Civil Procedure as well as Conveyancing practise. Dr. Pathma Raj was called to the High Court of Malaya in November 2015. He then continued to teach at Brickfields Asia College as well as occasionally gave talks and trainings on legal principles. In December 2016, he joined as a Partner at Messrs Kevindran & Co. Then on 31st January 2018, Dr. Pathma Raj founded Messrs Pathma Raj Ramasamy & Co.


Dr Thanaseelen Rajasakran

Public Relations

Dr Thanaseelen Rajasakran holds a PhD (Communication) from Hong Kong Baptist University, MBA (Marketing) and BBA (Finance) from Pittsburgh State University, USA. His career has spanned more than 20 years in banking, financial journalism and brand communications, and currently academia. His passion interests include advertising, branding, marketing communications, such as financial communication and ESG. He is also a Visiting Professor at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.

Emilia Lee

Customer Relationship Manager

Emilia is an experienced customer relationship agent having served in the hotel and finance industry. She is currently pursuing her goal of higher education while supporting WillsMalaysia.


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