Products & Pricing

Discounts are available for our Warga Mas, military members, police officers, as well as your spouse and family.


MyLastWill online will writing service by WillsMalaysia


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Convenient, affordable, simple.

Use our smart wizard to easily create your will – all without the hassle of lawyers and extra fees. Follow the simple step by step series of questions, fill relevant details, print, and sign in front of two witnesses. Congratulations, you now have a legal will to protect your legacy and your family!


Practical, flexible, useful.

Whether you require a power of attorney for health concerns, business matters, or financial dealings, WillsMalaysia offers them all! This legal document is a necessity to ensure hassle free handling of delicate situations in unexpected situations. Use our smart wizard to create your power of attorney today!


Starting from RM550.00

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Additional Services

MyLegacy by WillsMalaysia is a convenient and secure solution to list your belongings, digital assets and important contacts


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Lawyer Review by WillsMalaysia is for legal professionals to review your Will for consistency and completeness
Lawyer Review


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MyLegalLine by WillsMalaysia for Legal Consultation for a fraction of price charged by other lawyers


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Custodial Service

Starting from RM180.00

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Complimentary Services



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How We Compare To Other Online Services

Our Features
Single Will 269.00 298.00 636.00 328 - 1500
Spouse Will 161.40
Power of Attorney 349.00
Will Lifetime Custodial 330.00 430.00
Will subsequent update(s) FREE 298.00 150.00
Funeral Wishes FREE
Organ Donation FREE
Email parting wishes FREE
Video Recording FREE
Pet trust
Lawyer Review
Family Discount
Military/Police Discount
Senior Discount
Print & Ship
Executor list
Wallet Cards
Document storage
Membership services
Gift Certificates

How We Compare to Lawyers

Our Features Lawyers
Single Will 269.00 500 - 1400
Spouse Will 161.40 500 - 1400
Power of Attorney 349.00 800 - 3000
Will Lifetime Custodial 330.00 300 - 500
Will subsequent update(s) FREE 300-500
Funeral Wishes FREE
Organ Donation FREE
Email parting wishes FREE
Video Recording FREE
Pet trust
Lawyer Review
Family Discount
Military/Police Discount
Senior Discount
Print & Ship
Executor list
Wallet Cards
Document storage
Membership services
Gift Certificates


Family Discount - Once you join as a member and have made your first purchase, you qualify up to 15% discount offers to be shared with your family and friends.

Military/Police Discount - We value your contribution to our society and country. We offer a 10% discount.

Senior Discount - We recognise our Warga Mas. Your sacrifice and contribution to society will not be forgotten. If you are 65 and older you get an automatically discounted price by 30%.

Spouse Discount - The MySpouseWill service allows members to create a Will for their spouses that mirrors their will, at a 40% discounted price.

*** If you qualify for multiple discounts then the highest discount will be applied. For example if you are 65 years old (30%) and an ex-military (10%) personnel, you qualify for 30% discount.

Blueprint for a better tomorrow with online will writing service by WillsMalaysia